1. Accountability
Biblical accountability cannot be done by an organization. It must be done through relationships.  You will have the opportunity to meet peer level ministers who may have more experience or knowledge than you. This valuable opportunity can only come through meeting and building relationships with those ministers, ministries, and churches with who you are in one accord.

Team Impact Ministries will provide legal and spiritual recognition of the calling and ministry God has already placed you and we will you in the fulfillment of that ministry.

2. Fellowship
Team Impact Ministries provides fellowship and relationship between independent churches and ministries of like faith while maintaining local ministry sovereignty and control. There will be opportunities for corporate missions involvement, fellowship gatherings, youth programs, and other ministries.

3. Education
Team Impact Ministries is in association with Team Impact Christian University USA and you will be able to further your studies from Certificate to Doctor of Ministry level at discounted prices. This will help to develop you as a leader as well as your ministry. For further details please go to www.tiuniversity.com.

Pastors and Christian leaders can begin their own ministry-based schools by registering with Team Impact Christian University USA and implementing their courses. With this form of schooling, pastors and Christian leaders can become Dean of their own Bible College and mentor their own leaders.

4. Connection
You can enjoy a relationship with those who will affirm you without trying to control you and help you without trying to dictate you.  You know what your calling and ministry gift is and connection will provide confirmation and affirmation from others in ministry.

5. Consultation
You have others to call on for input and will have access to insights, strategies for more effective ministry, problem solving guidance, and confirmation in the way God may be leading you.

6. Covering
You have the protection, credibility, and affirmation of relational accountability without being controlled or put in a box. There is no longer a feeling of “standing alone” or being isolated and nor is there a feeling of losing your identity or uniqueness and ability to minister. You and your ministry are under a corporate prayer covering.

Members do not have to end any other affiliations in order to be a part of Team Impact Ministries.

7. Care
You will have access to pastoral counseling by experienced, anointed ministerial mentors who can encourage, help, and love you. You will be able to share your victories and tragedies, disappointments and discoveries with others who really care about you without fear of judgment, criticism, or rejection.

8. Legal standing
Membership enables credential holders access to jails, prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric centers, and other institutions requiring authority endorsements. We can help you with the performance of religious legal ceremonies such as marriages. However, the level of support could vary in accordance with the laws appertaining to the nation in which you live. We will also be able to advise you how to register your ministry as a not-for-profit incorporation.

9. Conferences
Team Impact holds regular national and international conferences. Members will have preferential participation, seating, and pricing and will be able to meet other men and women of God in other nations. 

10. Website resources
You will be able to logon to our website and download a full sermon every week, quarterly newsletters as well as many other teaching materials such as eBooks and Seminar training series which we offer free of charge.

11. Certificate
You will also receive a certificate of membership with Team Impact Ministries which you can display in your office, ministry area, or home. You will also receive a wallet-sized card with your photograph.